
maryville commencement ceremony

Commencement Announcements

We’re excited to celebrate our graduates! Mark your calendars for these special ceremonies.



Fall 2024 Ceremonies

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Maryville University Auditorium

9 a.m. -教育学院高等教育领导力11B及11C组

11 a.m. -教育学院教育领导第41届和第42届

2 p.m. – Doctor of Physical Therapy

Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Factory at The District in Chesterfield

10 a.m. – Undergraduate Ceremony

  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • College of Health Professions
  • School of Business
  • School of Education

1:30 p.m. – Graduate Ceremony

  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • College of Health Professions
  • School of Business
  • School of Education

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Maryville University Auditorium

10 a.m. Master of Occupational Therapy

Spring 2025 Ceremonies

Saturday, April 26, 2025

Maryville University Auditorium
650 Maryville University Dr.
Town and Country, Mo. 63141

9 a.m. -教育学院EdD高等教育领导力12A组

11 a.m. -教育学院教育领导第43组和新葡京博彩第12组

Saturday, May 3, 2025

The Factory at The District in Chesterfield

10 a.m. – College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Ceremony

1:30 p.m. – College of Health Professions Undergraduate Ceremony

5 p.m. 商学院和教育学院的本科典礼

Sunday, May 4, 2025

The Factory at The District in Chesterfield

10 a.m. – Graduate Ceremony

  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • College of Health Professions
  • School of Business
  • School of Education

FAQs & Information

  • Can my guests watch my ceremony virtually?

    是的,他们可以点击每个仪式下面的链接观看现场直播. Live stream link coming soon!

  • What time should we arrive for our ceremony?

    Arrive 30-60 minutes prior to the ceremony start time. 列队活动在每次仪式开始前30分钟开始.

  • Do my guests need tickets to attend my ceremony?

    • 所有参加本科或研究生毕业典礼的客人都需要一张门票,因为预计出席人数会很高. 参加毕业典礼的毕业生不需要门票.
    • 新葡京博彩官网将于9月24日将仪式门票订购信息发送到学生的玛丽维尔电子邮件地址, 2024. 学生们将在12月1日之前领取门票. 剩余的无人认领的门票将从12月3日开始以先到先得的方式出售.
    • 来宾应在仪式开始前15分钟就座. 在仪式开始10分钟后到场的来宾不能保证有座位. Seating is unassigned.
    • 毕业典礼结束后,毕业生和嘉宾应安排在会场外见面.
    • No outside food or beverages are allowed. Please be aware of venue policies prior to attendance, click here for The Factory event policy. 不含酒精的饮料和玛丽维尔校友礼品将可供购买.
    • 如果您对毕业典礼票务有疑问,请与新葡京博彩官网联系

  • What do I need to do to prepare for graduation?

    • Visit the preparing for graduation and commencement page 学生在哪里可以找到参加毕业典礼所需的资料, such as verifying diploma information, name pronunciation, graduation announcements and class rings.
    • Students should arrive in their regalia.
    • 帽子、长袍和流苏是毕业典礼的标准服饰. 在毕业典礼上,戴上兜帽是惯例.
    • 毕业生的学生电子邮件帐户将收到与毕业典礼相关的电子邮件,列出具体的到达时间, check-in location, etc.

  • Where do I order regalia?

    • 徽章可以在毕业申请中订购,也可以通过 clicking here.

  • Graduate Check-in/Processional Instructions

    • 学生应在典礼开始前30-60分钟到达. 列队活动将于每次仪式前30分钟开始.
    • 学生们应该带着他们的徽章,硕士和博士毕业生应该戴上他们的头巾.
    • 请将个人物品留给您的客人,因为在婚礼期间没有安全的地方存放这些物品.
    • 教职员工将协助学生排队参加游行.
    • 在工厂举行的仪式,将在隔壁的梦幻酒店办理登记手续. At check-in, 学生将被引导完成包括确认名字发音在内的活动, 获得拉丁荣誉勋章和军事认可以及职业目标调查.
    • 对于在校园礼堂举行的仪式,登记将在较低的楼层进行.
    • Some processionals may include walking outdoors. In the event of rain, 毕业生可以带一把小伞,放在椅子下面.

  • 我如何购买毕业典礼的照片?

    After commencement, Trotter摄影将通过电子邮件链接到每个毕业生的玛丽维尔电子邮件地址购买.

  • What if my guests have an accessibility need?

    Accessible Seating
    新葡京博彩官网将以先到先得的方式安排座位. 新葡京博彩官网恳请只有一个同伴陪同需要住宿的人.

    Sign Language
    Please email 如果你需要一名手语翻译,至少在仪式前三周.

    在校园内,ADA停车场位于北外40入口的11号地段. At The Factory, ADA parking is available and marked.

  • When should guests arrive?

    • 大门将在仪式开始前一小时为客人打开.
    • 请在出席之前了解场地政策,点击这里查看工厂活动政策. 不含酒精的饮料和玛丽维尔校友礼品将可供购买.
    • 请于典礼开始前十五分钟就座,以便毕业生列队入场. Entrance and exit doors will be blocked during this time.
    • Seating is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Staff will be present to guide guests.

  • When will guests be seated?

    • 一般座位和无障碍座位将以先到先得的方式提供. Staff will be present to help assist guests.
    • Out of respect for graduates being recognized, 来宾被要求在仪式进行期间留在座位上,不要堵塞过道和通道.

  • 毕业典礼结束后,毕业生和嘉宾将在哪里见面?


  • The Factory Event Policy

  • Parking


    Download the Maryville University Parking Map


    Download The Factory Lot Map

  • 是否可在会场购买鲜花或礼品?

    • Flowers are not available for purchase at the venue, 但在毕业典礼结束后,嘉宾们可能会为毕业生带来鲜花. 在仪式期间,不允许使用气球和大于11″x17″的标志或任何附着在棍子或杆子上的标志.
    • 校园和网上的M商店为新葡京博彩官网校友礼品提供了很好的选择.

  • Can my children attend the ceremony?

    • 16岁以下的儿童必须由成人陪同进入客座区.
    • Tickets are required for all guests, 三岁或三岁以下儿童不得占用座位.
    • 孩子们不允许和父母一起参加游行, recessional, or on the stage during the ceremony.
    • Maryville University does not provide childcare. Childcare resources for Missouri: